Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall into Fall Giveaway

Fall is here! Yes even in Texas. We are having cool mornings and cool nights. This is my favorite time of year, however I do miss seeing the different colors of leaves in the Northeast.

OK, now for the good stuff. A bunch of quilt bloggers are hosting a Fall into Fall Giveaway. Quilt bloggers everywhere are giving away free stuff!! The catch is you have to post on each blog but thats not too bad for free stuff, right?

So you ask, what am I giving away? I'm giving away the Christmas/Holiday table runner (see photo). I will HAND QUILT this table runner with a holiday theme and apply matching binding. To get your name in the drawing for this table runner, just answer the following question:
Tell me about your funniest or silliest Fall memories
Alright, good luck and I hope to see some really funny stuff:-)

Have a creative day,
Tracy & Girls
PS I just noticed in my photo that I have some blocks that are turned the wrong way, OMG! OK this will be my funniest Fall memory. Anyway, If you are the winner of this table runner, I will fix my booboo.


Debi said...

My funniest fall moment was when my youngest daughter was 6 and we went to pick pumpkins. She stepped in cow poo and you would have thought he was getting beaten to death screaming so loud. Everytime we see pumpkin patches today (she is 31) we still talk about the cow poo. Great prize, I would love to own it.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!
Hmmm, silly?? trying to do a girl scout camp out with 18 10 year olds and it rained the whole time, so they played slip and slide in the mud and leaves!

Anonymous said...

Hand quilted- wow! I am impressed! Add me to your blog giveaway please.Thank you from Carla over at Feathered Fibers (another blog giveaway participant)

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to add my funny fall moment...

Mine happens on a daily basis... a large group of Turkeys come to my back patio to stare in their reflection in my back windows. Then they leisurely look for grubs before my dog, Rex the Wonderhound, discovers them and sends them flying in all directions. I always find that funny!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Hi Tracy,
Just read your post on the pickle board and I, too, am offering an item in the Fall into Fall Giveaway so check it out. My funniest fall memory would have to be when I jumped in a pile of leaves with my grandson. I don't think he thought it was something that Grandma would do. Another funny memory that my husband didn't think was funny ....well, that was one year when I filled those jack-o-lantern plastic bags with leaves and I stuffed mine so full that when Halloween was over and my husband wanted to put them in the recycling, the bags burst and leaves went everywhere. I don't do plastic bag pumpkins filled with leaves anymore. :-)

Terry said...

What a beautiful table runner! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! My funniest memory has to be of my kids when they were younger, elbow deep in pumpkin guts the first time they made jack-o-lanterns! The looks on their faces were priceless! Thanks so much! :0)

Teresa said...

What a beautiful Table runner, Boo Boo & all. Funny fall memories,,,, when my middle daughter was about 4 she was a princess for Halloween. In the middle of the towns Halloween parade she lost her crown. She was very upset about it but still wanted to go to the Halloween party after. Well, here we are playing games & winning prizes when she looks around at all the people & sees a little boy about 6 wearing her crown! She lets out a scream & run over & starts beating him over the head with her staff! Poor boy never did figure out what he'd done, but she came home with her crown!

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!
Two years ago right after Thanksgiving, we were putting up our Christmas tree. The stand broke and it fell on top of my son! We took tons of pictures before we helped him out! lol

Paula said...

My silliest fall moment is EVERY year at Thanksgiving. We sit down at the table for dinner. Prayers are said, plates are filled and we begin eating. Suddenly grandma screams, "I FORGOT THE CRANBERRY SAUCE!" She makes a mad dash to the fridge and we all have a hearty laugh. This literally happens every year. It's become part of the Thanksgiving tradition!!!

Dionne said...

Mmmm.... funniest moment... now that I am on the spot, you would think that nothing funny has ever happen to me , my whole life ! Well, this one time, when I was living in Arizona my friend and I went parasailing, they pull you behind a boat in a parachute. But when they pulled him into the air the water pulled his swim trunks off and there he was for ten minutes soaring over everyone with nothing but his birthday suit on. I thought it was pretty funny!

Fiber Babble said...

OMG - that's a MAJOR giveaway!

Most of my funny fall memories revolve around Thanksgiving - one year I made (according to Mr. W. & mom) the most delicious stuffing/dressing that has ever been made. They went on and on and stuffed themselves (no pun intended). Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and I confessed that I just added some stuff to the box mix that I got from Wal-Mart!

I'm not sure if that says something about my previous stuffings or if it says something about the Wal-Mart brand...


Anonymous said...

My funniest fall moment was when my daughter was in second grade and grew pumpkins with seeds that she was given in first grade. There was a contest for the biggest pumpkin. Her pumpkin weighed 150 lbs, seriously. I looked preety silly trying to get that monter out of the car and into the school. It looked ridiculous next to the normal pumkins the other kids grew but my daughter was thrilled to win.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Ly + Alan said...

What an awesome giveaway! My funniest fall moment was when I was raking leaves with my nieces and nephews and they jumped and jumped into the piles of leaves but then they found a few bugs, screamed, and ran inside and refused to go outside again for 2 days.

Please enter me in your giveaway (lyannab at gmail dot com)

Lavinia said...

Hello! the table runner is so beautiful! Please enter my name in the drawing, You are very generous, thanks! My funny memory is about my friends and I. The thing is that here in Argentina is not common to celebrate that day (though it is becoming more popular these years) so, were wearing our Halloween costumes (it was my idea muhahaha)and I took them for a walk downtown, so every boy in town could see us!! I can´t forget their faces, the girls were so shy!! haha.

Carole Burant said...

Ooooh what a beautiful table runner...please enter my name for your giveaway:-) One of my funniest Fall memories I have is going to my in law's farm one October...they raised turkeys and while out walking I was eyeing them and jokingly said "now THAT turkey would look nice on my Thanksgiving table" word of lie, it's as if that turkey understood every word because next thing I knew I was running for my life with that turkey hot on my heels!!! lol

Sunny said...

My funniest fall memory would have to be when my oldest (now 18) was only about 1. It was Halloween and I being a yound mother, had no costume for my baby boy. All the people I knew with hand me downs, had only girl costumes. Finally at the last moment, I decided a girly costume would have to do for his first trip trick-or-treating. I dressed in as a pink ballerina princess! He was a doll. His hair was still curly and he wanted to whole shabang! Make up and everything. When I stopped at my boyfriend's mother's house (she adored my baby boy), he strolled right on in because of course he knew her! She kept trying to shoe him out and didn't recognize him until I said that's Josh!! It was great. He made a beautiful little girl. He even walked with a little shake of his pink tu-tu! LOL

Corinna said...

I'm not sure that I have a funny fall memory but I do have great FUN with my daycare children every year raking the leaves into piles and jumping into them. We haven't done it this year yet. Perhaps tomorrow!

Linda said...

Every year when the leaves fall we stuff old shirts/pants and make a scarecrow and we pile up leaves for jumping in! One year my (x) husband decided to dress himself into the scarecrow and lay in the pile with just his head/shoulders showing. He thought it would be cute to scare the kids. Well... didn't last long... The neighbors dog came over and peed on him! LOL :D I still get the greatest chuckle out of that - more so now :D LOL
Great giveaway! - Good luck all!
Thank you for being a part of the Fall giveaway!

Joyce said...

Some our funniest fall moments are during our annual pumpkin carving party. I remember the first year we did it, no cleaned out their pumpkins before comming to our house. We ended up with three large garbage cans of pumpkin guts. Surprise surprise when one of the garbage bags broke and went all over the kitchen floor. I was picking up pumpkin seeds for a month! Please add me to you giveaway it looks lovely.
joycee2561 at yahoo dot com

Jeanne said...

Love your tablerunner. A couple of years ago we visited our grandchildren in October and raked together a huge leaf pile. Then we took turns racing each other under the leaves. It's a fun memory for me.

Dawn said...

What a great giveaway! The funniest story I have is when we had Thanksgiving at my sisters (it was her first host Thanksgiving). She took the turkey out of the oven looking all brown and crispy. My bro-in-law cut into the turkey and about half way through realized it was still frozen! We still laugh about it and tell her we will never have Thanksgiving at her house again. (I hope it went through this timed out)

Anonymous said...

Lovely table runner! My funny fall memory would be my Harvest parties I gave my students every year. They always came up with the best costumes. Maybe these memories are more "fun" than funny.

I don't know if your giveaway is open world wide or not. I would love to win this for my mother in America if this is only open to US.

Have A Happy Day!

And, come by and enter my giveaway!

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Anonymous said...

Funniest fall memory.. my 2 oldest carving pumkins and pulling out the seeds while the little one points and tells them what to do but wont stick his hands in the slimy pumkin. Thanks for the chance to win the great tablerunner, wonderful colors!

Dandelion Quilts said...

My funniest silliest fall moment was riding in our town's halloween parade every year acting like a goof with my classmates.

Dee said...

uxrovqpFunniest, well, funny now, falling into the creek while exploring for leaves. Dee -

Midlife Mom said...

That is a lovely table runner! My funniest fall moment was last fall when I looked out my back window and there was a turkey attacking my husbands pick up truck! He could see his reflection in the chrome on the bumper and evidently thought it was another turkey! What wasn't so funny was he jumped up on the hood of the truck and his claws took the paint off right down to the metal........The whole hood had to be repainted!!


I guess the funniest is the pumpkjin guts too- and carving- but them with the hands pulling out the guts...some like it and some think ewww gross

Anonymous said...

Funny fall moment....let me see. I guess it would be the time I made my son's Halloween costume. Using plastic bags, I made him a frankinstein. It is a good thing frank was homemade, ours really looked the part.

Rose said...

This has been such a fun read. I love the table runner you are giving away and would love to be in the drawing for it.

Funniest memory for me was one of the last years that my son went out Trick-or-Treating. He gained permission from a neighbor friend's parents to take him along with us however they only allowed him one hour to be gone. The boys were disappointed because they had planned to make it their biggest candy year ever. I accompanied them and we ran from house to house as fast as we could. Their bags got so full that they were too heavy for the boys to carry so I would run with the bags to the next house and then hand them off. We got to laughing so hard that none of us were able to run very fast at all. My son and I still laugh about it all these years later.

rvinmemo at msn dot com

~Bren~ said...

Funniest fall memory....My sister and I took our kids to an apple orchard. She is terrified of bees and was tormented all day by them. She would scream and swat and run hysterically through out the orchard. Quite funny!!
Great giveaway!

Sweetpeas said...

A couple years ago a friend threw a halloween party, our kids were all in the 4 and under age range at that point, we set them up outside doing things like painting pumpkins & bobbing for apples, these little kids had a BLAST and us moms had a blast watching them! 2 yr olds trying to bob for apples is hillarious to watch LOL.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Last year (bear in mind that I'm an "older" lady) I got out my long wool skirt and boots on the first cool Sunday of the fall - I wanted to look really good for church. To my horror, after leaving the ladies room between Sunday School and church, I was gently told that my skirt was askew. Truth be told, it was tucked into my panties! blessings, marlene

CanCan said...

My son is almost 4; last year was the first time we went out for Halloween. We planned to dress him as a fireman because we already had a red raincoat and boots, but suddenly when I picked him up from preschool on October 31st in the afternoon, he was telling all of his classmates that HE was going to be a dinosaur. There was absolutely no time to make or buy a dinosaur costume at 4pm on Halloween Day! We did have a lion costume that we used just for dress ups that I convinced him would make a great LIONOSAURUS costume. He went for it, thank goodness. I dressed up my baby son in a brocade bunting and he was mistaken for a "Chinese princess" when we were out that night. That gave me a laugh!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com

jenny said...

my funny fall moment well i have so minny of them one was when my son was little and well he lost this bottel at old would wiscosin and well all the way home home he keeped on saying the piggy got my bottle and well it was realy funny becuse well the pig realy did take his bottle and ran off with it after that day my son never again would take or even drink from a bottel. and well to day i also had a fall funny moment with my youngest just not knowing what to think abt all the stuff she seen to day at the pumpkin farm .

Lyn said...

My funniest autumn (fall) memory would be when I was living at home with my parents and just received my Drivers Licence. Little sister wanted to go to the movies in Melbourne.(We lived on the outskirts of town)I borrowed Dad's car which was a Holden Belmont and drove into town.It was the first time I parked in a multi-storey car park.When we were leaving there was a wooden box,between the two lanes where the guy took our money.Being new to this I cut the corner and knocked the corner of the box.The box shook like crazy with the guy inside.LOL I stopped, hopped out of the car.The guy just shook his head, I hopped back in the car.Little sister and I cracked up.Next morning, Dad was outside looking over the car, we were watching out the window.Mum came up behind us and said what have you done to the car........Regards Lyn

Lyn said...

I had forgotten to say I would love to be in the draw for the table runner. Regards Lyn

Tangos Treasures said...

Great table runner!!
When we were kids we would jump in the leaves. Than my older brother got this bright idea to stuff as leaves in my younger brothers pants that would fit. We got the giggles cause he couldn't walk they were so stuffed!! Boy fun times!
Thank you for doing the giveaway!

WhiteStone said...

I can't think of a FUNNYest but can think of a FUNest fall memory. One autumn we had an early freeze along with a rain. The fluffy piles of leaves on the ground turned to ice-encrusted crunchies and walking on them felt and sound as if we were walking on potato chips. It was so cool.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tablerunner! My funny fall memory is from my childhood. Jumping into a huge pile of leaves and seeing a mouse jump straight up out of the pile! Funny for anyone watching me as ran screaming into the house! Still have a fear of mice!
Elaine R

Marilyn Robertson said...

What a lovely table runner! A funny or cute memory that I have is when I was teacher and took the kids to a pumpkin patch. After looking and looking and trying to pick the perfect pumpkin it never failed. There was always at least one child who's eyes were bigger then their arms. They would pick a pumpkin that was so big and heavy they could barely carry it to the bus.

Becca said...

My funniest is taking Dd to the pumpkin patch when she was 18 months old. They had some goats to pet and DD ran up to hug them all. The only issue-she was hugging the goats....errrr....back end. There were a lot of very startled goats that day!

Alisa said...

funniest fall moment. When my youngest daughter was 5 she was dresses up like a 50s cheerleader...poodle skirt and all. The skirt was made of of felt and lets just say felt and a bowl of cheerios cereal don't mix.....we were picking cheerios off the skirt for quite some time trying to dry her tears and get on with trick or treating. Thanks for the give-away. Your work is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It's so much fun to start wearing fall clothes again and it was finally cool enough for my preschooler to do so. She wanted to wear these really cute pink/purple boots for the first time. I put them on and she looked stylishly adorable. It wasn't until she got home and said that her feet felt funny that I took a good look and realized I had put them on the wrong feet. I felt soooo horrible but now looking back on it, it's pretty funny.

Sue H said...

My funniest fall memory is me and my friend Carol. I was walking pretty regularly around a lake on a nice walking path. Carol doesn't get exposed to "nature" much, but decided to walk with me one day. My funny memories are of Carol squealing and shrieking over every little snake (pencil sized) and critter that rustled in the dry leaves! She never walked around the lake with me again.

andsewon said...

Lovely runner and hand quilted!
My 2 kids, now 36&31 and I always have to laugh this time of year remembring them doing Daddy up for Halloween one year as 'the biscuit man'... haa!!!They shook flour all over him he was a site for sure.
Love fall!!!

lrmart said...

When my son was 3 (he's now 23)we went to pick out pumpkins. I told the kids to pick out a pumpkin. DD then 6 found out quickly, but DS kept walking around looking at the pumpkins till I noticed he had tears running down his face. I asked him what was wrong and he said momma they don't have their faces...LOL He was saying to me last weekend that he was going to take his 5 yr old DS to pick out a pumpkin, I told him well make sure you find one with a great face..LOL

I would be honored to win your table runner


Anonymous said...

My funniest fall memory happened our first year of marriage at Thanksgiving when I cooked the bag of giblets inside the turkey. We were having some Air Force guys over for the day...they didn't mind at all, but I still remember it! I'd love to win your tablerunner.

Unknown said...

My granddaughter was helping me in the kitchen last Thanksgiving. I told her that we needed to pull the bag out of the turkey before we put him on the grill. Of course she wanted to do it herself. You should have seen her face when she stuck her arm inside that turkey....YUCKY she screamed! Now she knows that she doesn't want to help with either the Halloween jack-o-lantern or the Thanksgiving turkey!
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Karen said...

With 4's always sumpthin'...but the one I remember every year is ...hubby was raking leaves (massive job) and the boys were all out with him plus 2 friends...after an hour I didn't see one child in the back yard or anywhere...only my hubby who was supposed to be watching them...he and I spent over 30 minutes, looking, calling, then panicking and screaming, then I was headed to the fire dept near my house to get help...when 6 little boys BURST out of a mound of leaves and were dying laughing...HOW they stayed quiet and still in a pile of leaves for that long STILL amazes me! Lovely giveaway!

Drucilla's Stitches said...

what a gorgeous table runner.....
i would love to win.
Our funniest memory is getting lost in the corn maze as we went round and round. Pumpkin patches and corn mazes are popular here in our area during the fall season.

Terri S said...

One of my favorite fall memories is going to the pumpkin patch with my kids to find our Halloween pumpkins.

Jan said...

What a lovely table runner!!My "funest" memory of Halloween is the year that we took our Bichon Friche puppy to the college campus where our DD was a student and he ran in the leaves with a bunch of the students for a movie that was being made there--everyone (including the puppy) was having SO much fun!

swooze said...

I just remember piling up the leaves and burying myself in them. I am sure there was some crawly critters involved and screaming with my friends and myself. Never thought about there being bugs! Ack!

Donna said...

oh please, if I were to win I'd rather you didn't fix the boo boo's -- they add character!

My funniest fall memory would be when i was VERY young, believing that if you put yellow leaves in water you'd get lemonade -- never beleived that friend again! the taste was NOT particularily lemon :-)

Ginny said...

Getting lost in a corn maze, love jumping into leaves as well!

bingo~bonnie said...

I'm new to your blog and in SE Texas and miss the color changing of the trees...

well - you picked a good question and I had almost forgotten about this.. but my funniest memory was when we were at a church gathering hayride/bonfire thing... and someone FARTED when we were on the hayride!!! We all busted ou tlaughing and I laughed so hard I Peed my pants!!! but THANKFULLY no one knew b/c my pee went thru the bail of hay... and b/c my coat was large... it hid my wet spot on my behind! Thankfully I wasn't sitting on my jacket!

....oh my gooness I can't believe I just confessed that happening to the world of bloggers.LOL... and to think I had kept is secret for 20+ years!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered to win your beautiful table runner - what boo boos??? My funniest fall memory was the time when I was a girl and we had my great aunt Lucy & great uncle Wilbur over for a Thanksgiving meal. When mom passed the green beans to me I hollered out "Oh, look, a caterpiller!" There really was a cooked caterpiller in the can of green beans! Needless to say, nobody had a green vegetable that day. . .thanks for your generosity!!

Lynn E said...

One of the best and funniest moments was about 10 years ago and I was decorating my mom's home for the trick or treaters. My sister who was about 25 years old was bringing my nephew over. I dressed up as a stuffed scarecrow and flopped on a lawn chair . I made a scarecrow head and placed it on top of mine. When they came into the yard , Coreen said " oh look auntie was decorating" at which time I stood up and yelled "Boo!". My nephew had a fit of giggles and said "Hi Auntie" and my sister screamed at the top of her lungs and jump back about 6 feet. Good times. Great prizes love to be entered into your draw

Myra said...

Gosh, funniest fall memory....hmmmm. All I can think of is all the laughing I did with my twin boys when they were small and jumping/rolling in leaves. Lovely giveaway, make sure you come over and enter mine.

Lucky Girl said...

One year when my youngest was about 4 years old, I picked her up from day care on my way home from work--just like every other day. This day, though, was the first day after the daylight savings time change, and so it was dark when I arrived. She was so angry she could barely speak without crying--she was certain I had forgotten her, and no amount of explaining could about changing the clocks could convince her that I was right on time. Funny now, but not so funny then.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

The year my Dad dressed up as a ghost and slipped around the corner of the porch as we loooked at our punpkin....Mary

Lissa Jane said...

My funniest 'autumn' (we dont have 'fall' in australia) was camping.. dad had forgot to pack the camp stretchers, so we had to sleep on the cold ground and he also forgot to pack the shower! Where we camped they had had snow the weekend before on the mountain tops, and it was FREEZING on the ground.. can laugh about it now, snuggling with my smelly younger brother who hadn't washed all weekend and we turned BLUE swimming in the creek for our bath! Oh and a scout troup turned up while we were sleeping, so suddenly our quiet spot overnight become full of more smelly boys! about 100 of them!!!

PS I love love love your giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

Generous giveaway! My memories about fall? Having to work hard to help my grandmother with her farm, and finding one morning a family of mouses under the dump of maize (that I was supposed to put in bags)

tisme said...

I would have to say that my funniest fall moment was my sons fifth birthday. His birthday is October 10th and I wanted to make a big pumpkin pinata. I had never made one before, so wanted it to last through a lot of little kid hits. I made it so thick, it would not break! The little plastic bat I bought to hit it with broke first! I finally just dumped it out on the ground.
Tammy (tisme)

maggie said...

What a beautiful table runner.
My favorite fall memory was of my daughter when she was two. She dressed as a cat for Halloween and kept going Meow. When we came back home from trick or treating she knocked on our door to fool her dad. Our dog went crazy barking when he heard all the meowing and scared her silly. It was quite the going on. My daughter crying and the dog barking. I don't know who made the biggest fuss.

Alice Grace said...

Gorgeous table runner! I would love to win this! Count me in!

julieQ said...

Well, this was kind of funny, kind of not! We spent all raking leaves and bagging them up for the garbage collection on the next day. When we came out the next day, most of the bags were opened and leaves were everywhere! The neighborhood kids decided to make forts from the bags and just made a huge mess!! Lol...we did it again!

Cheryl Pasquier said...

My funniest autumn moment happened this afternoon on the way home from school ... I taught my two daughters (aged 7 and 3) to jump in the piles of leaves and managed to land straight in a pile of dog poop hiding underneath. Just as well it was me (and the girls thought it was hysterical !!)

cherylpasquier2002 at yahoo dot fr

QuiltNut Creations said...

beautiful runner! thanx for the chance

i'm not sure if it is funny but a few years ago, our youngest was hiding in the leaf pile when one of his older brothers jumped into the pile and broke the youngests foot lol

StampinCathy said...

Beautiful Quilt Runner. Love the colors. The funniest fall moment I can think of is when we raked all the leaves up and the kids were jumping in them and after we bagged them up they thought they could jump on the bags and all the leaves came out of the bags. They thought that was the funniest thing...until we had to pick them all up again. Thanks for a chance.

Krista said...

I hope that I'm not too late for the giveaway. The table runner is gorgeous! My funniest fall moment was a time that we took our youth group camping. It was one of those weekends where the night time temp went down to about 40. I literally felt like I was freezing to death. I sat beside the fire the entire night. The youth group has never let me live it down.

Vickie E said...

my silliest fall moment? oh my gosh...I've been sitting here for 5 minutes and can't think of a good one...perhaps this is my silliest moment? Great giveaway! and I found you via PunkiePie

Coleen said...

I love the table runner!!

My funniest fall moments always came when raking leaves with my children. We would chase each other throwing leaves and rolling around in big piles of leaves in the back yard. (Heaven forbid the neighbors saw all the silliness!)

Kristie said...

i think my best Fall memory is playing in the piles of leaves every time that mom would rake them and we would act like we didn't know who did it. :)

Please add me to your drawing.

Erin said...

Great runner! My favorite memories are our family get togethers. We always have so much fun laughing and playing games!

Donna said...

We use to love to go to football games, and someone fell off the bleacher.

Pat said...

Love your runner. My funniest fall memory (that has now become a tradition each Thanksgiving)is that my daughter, when she was about 4 (now she is nearly 27) took black olives with no pits and put one on each fingertip and held up her hand for us to see and then she proceeded to eat each olive, one at a time, off her fingertips. Now she does it every year AND has taught her little daughter to do it, too. BUT...her daughter doesn't like the olives, so she puts them on her fingertips and then mommy has to eat them!!!

Janice said...

Love, love, love the fall runner. We had such a lot of laughs this week carving pumpkins withthe kids at school. So many of them were gagging when they put their hands inside to pull out all the seeds and stringy stuff.

Sara said...

My funniest fall moment....
You know when you are young how much fun it was to rake the fallen leaves in to a pile and then jump in them? Well, I loved doing it. My mom was raking and my sister and I were jumping in piles (ticking my mom off b/c it ruined her piles). Anyway, she tried to get us to stop by saying that we may land in some hidden dog mess (we had a good sized dog). The possibility of dog mess on our clothes didn't stop us. After much pressure, we got my mom to jump in a pile w/ us. Wouldn't you know it....she landed in a very fresh, very large, very hidden pile of Duke's droppings. My sister and I laughed so hard (thankfully, mom started to laugh, too) that my sister wet her pants (literally). We still laugh about that day.

Pam's Pride said...

My favorite fall moment is carving pumpkins and watching my kids scoop the goo out of the insides with their hands and being grossed out the whole time!!
Beautiful table runner!

Linda in PA said...

What a beautiful table runner. A funny fall memory of mine is when my aunt dressed up in some old clothes she found in a trunk. She put on a wig and a mask and went to friends houses. She went in, sat down, and never said a word. The people just kept trying to get her to talk. They never did recognize her. Thanks for entering me.

Myra said...

My funniest Fall moment is, when I was alone in the kitchen cleaning up all the food from my parent's 40th anniversary. I heard some scratching on what I thought was the patio doors. Thinking it was our dog, I went over there and turned on the lights and looked out. NOTHING! Hmmmm? Went back to the counter to do what I was doing and I heard scratching right by the window. Thinking again that it was my dog, I opened the window from a crack to about 9"-10" to look down, and a bunch of paws and 2 furry faces appeared on one side of the window. Of course I jumped back and screamed, then settled myself and had a good look at what was there. (By this time Hubby came running into the kitchen from hearing me scream.) There was 2 young raccoons staring at us... The next day we had them on our roof still.... 8-)

bison61 said...

my funniest would be when I dressed up as a pumpkin at a Halloween party. I had a orange pumpkin at the top half and I wore black tights. I did not know the back seam blew out on my tights, I don't know how long I walked around showing my undies, till a friend told me

tiramisu392 (at)

kathipink said...

my funniest was using the wrong restroom at the haunted house last year.

Renee G said...

My funniest fall memory would be making Halloween costumes for my boys. One year they both wanted to be dinosaurs, so I bought a pattern and had at it. Since I only sew once in a while, I followed the decorations exactly. My mom, sister and friends made fun of my "boys" costumes because I included the lace trim just like in the directions. They still tease me that I could have skipped this step.

Kim said...

two years ago we took the kids to Philley to go through a haunted house type thing in Eastern State
we kept thinking that the kids would be the scaried ones- it turned out it would hubby and the children and I about wet our pants laughing- now don't get me wrong some of the prison cells were quite scarey - like remember Hellraiser movies with PinHead? He was there- Hubby won't go to those kind of things with us anymore- and the Haunted Forest is starting next week :(

Michele P. said...

I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was NOT funny! Here in Maine, the leaves were falling and my son and I decided we'd rake up a nice big pile of leaves and jump in them. Everything was perfect, and I just couldn't wait to relive my childhood and jump in those leaves. I decided I was going to go first-a test run-as you might say. But my little boy had forgotten one thing-to put his rake away. He actually left it in the leaf pile, covered up and hidden from view. Luckily it was not one of those metal pronged ones, but it was a kiddo type wooden one. I jumped and my big ole' butt landed right on those nice prongs. One of them even so nicely punctured my pants and when I got up ever so quickly I took the rake with me, stuck like a pin to a pincushion... Luckily the results weren't serious, just a bruising to my pride and a sore butt, but now we always look before we jump!

checkersmom said...

Beautiful Table Runner, When my son was 7, he was bobbing for apples, when he got one out came his loose tooth with it.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Great give away! My funniest memory is of DS whe he was about 5.

We went to the pumpkin patch and there were all these beautiful orange pumpkins and he choose the scrawniest green pumpkin I had ever seen! and there was NO talking him out of the pumpkin he choose!

Cris A said...

I think one of my funniest memories was when I was in high school. We were practicing for the powder puff football game on a muddy field....just standing there, I managed to slip and fall right on my butt! Thanks for the chance to win!

vfernandez said...

My favorite fall memories are baking and cooking with my family. Every year we get together to make tamales. We spend time talking and laughing while we some wonderful things.

Regina said...

My funniest fall memory is linked to Halloween. We were never allowed to trick or treat but when my parents would leave for work (my worked 2nd shift) or church (my parents were always at church) we would sneak out. We would dress my youngest brother up as a ghost (it was easiest, we only needed a sheet) and take him door to door. We would go out one block at a time and then check stop back at home to stash our loot and check in to see if the parents had called. hahahaha, there were four of us growing up and with me being the oldest I was the ring leader. We still laugh about this every October. Needless to say my parents don't think it is too funny :)

Anonymous said...

Funniest Fall moment has to be when I made Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes for my husband and myself. He's a tall guy and the suit was little too short - so when he tried it on his voice raised about three octaves! I still laugh when I think about it!

A hand-quilted table runner! Wow - you are a very giving lady! Please add me to your blog giveaway!

Piece - Elaine - the no blog yet!

Amanda said...

My favorite fall memories are carving pumpkins with the kids. They are always so hesitant at first to stick their hands in the pumpkins, but end up loving it!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Rhonda said...

Hi there...thanks for joining the "followers" thingy on my blog. As for my funnest memories of mom bought me & my brother pairs of tennis shoes which at the time we named P.F. Flyers. Their motto was, "You will run faster and jump higher." My brother & I thought, of course, that this was true......NOT!. Mom & grandma laughed their heads off when brother & I tried to make this come true.

Wilma L. said...

My most embarrasing Fall moment was after a day spent at a covered bridge festival. We had stopped at Captain D's to eat before we got home. I had gotten a container of catsup from the condiment bar, and dropped it on the floor by my table. Of course it landed upside down! I got napkins and was on my knees cleaning up my mess, when my husband (always the practical joker) walked up and and said "Are you alright?" if the catsup was blood! I leaned back to give him a "look", lost my balance, and landed flat on my back on the floor. My head narrowly missed hitting the leg of a man at a nearby table. Was my face red!

Jill said...

my most precious fall moment was when my gdau dressed as cindrella saw her at disneyland and said your my favorite and she replied, your my favorite too. Gotta love dland at halloween

Anonymous said...

My funniest fall memory is when the dog was jumping to catch falling leaves. Hilarious.

Kritta22 said...

My funniest Fall memory is putting on the leaves on the trampoline, when we were kids and making the dogs jump into them too! They had such a great time jumping into them and then bouncing!!
Thank you for such a great giveaway and I like that the blocks are's one of a kind!

Katie Z. said...

My funniest fall memory is my nephew with clown makeup and a red nose that just wouldn't stay on all night!

Just Susan said...

Great tablerunner! My funniest fall memory was when I was getting out of my truck at work one day and didn't realize there was nothing but ice on the ground, I slipped under the truck. Men saw me through a window and came out to help me. It hurt, but I couldn't be mad about the smiles on their faces. Oh, wait a minute you mean fall, as in the season, not fall as in fall down memories....I get it.
Oh well, I guess that happened in the fall. I will treasure the hand quilted tablerunner should I win.~Susan