Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where have I been? And My Favorite Blogs

I can finally catch my breath! This week was my last day of work until January and my first week of crafting full time. I also moved (along with five boxes of fabric) and my kids finally got a chance to see how many sewing machines mommy "really" has J It's funny how we can explain away the use of three sewing machines…you know "what if one breaks down, then what?" Anyway, I've been on this kick to finish up all my unfinished quilts. So far, I completed three and made a brand new quilt called "Trellis". Trellis will be a new pattern to my line after I work out the kinks. You can check it out on my Etsy shop.

OK now for my favorite Blogs…first up is the girl's from Lizzie B Cre8ive. I just love their bright and cheerful website and their funny antics. They just make me laugh!

Next up is Mary Engelbreit blog. I think I'm addicted to her fabric. Anyway I love reading the process how her first sketches transforms into fabric, cards or painting.

I just love, love, love Pink Chalk Studio by Kathy Mack. Lots of give aways and tutorials here. I like Kathy's quilting style so this is one of the places I go for inspiration.

Last but not least is Pink Penguin. Her work has been published in the Stitches magazine. She seems to find the coolest fabric and wait until you see what she come up with. Actually after reading one of her post, "she talked me into" purchasing a Speedball starter silk screening kit…more on that another timeJ

Well gang there goes my list. I tried to keep it short so you won't get hooked like me and wonder where the time wentJ So tell me some of your fav blogs.

Have a creative day,

Tracy & Girls