Monday, August 11, 2008

It's been a long time

I'm sorry for the long delay. I've been busy starting a new job, going to school and designing new patterns.

A little update:

In July my family and I took another trip to Canyon Lake. We pitched our tent in the dark; cooked on the grill and fished everyday.

I developed a new pattern called Crazy Daisy (pictured on the left). I got totally inspired by Moda fabric Friends and Flowers by Marry Engelbreit. Crazy Daisy is available for wholesale at this time. Please contact me if your interested in having this pattern in your store.
Presently, I'm on a road trip from Texas to New Jersey. We drove through the beautiful mountains of Tennessee. What a breath taking view. I hope to have pictures up after we return. On our way to New Jersey we stopped in Nashville to visit the Nelly's BBQ (Down Home with the Nelly's) resturant. The pulled pork sandwich was devine! If you're ever in Nashville, be sure to stop by their resturant and order a pulled pork sandwich and be sure to top it off with the cole slaw.
OK, until I get back from my trip, Have a creative and happy summer!