Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer Vacation, Part II

This post is title Summer Vacation, Part II but it should be titled "How I survived My Summer Vacation Driving Across Country with My Mother!"

One of our summer highlights was traveling to New Jersey via car. Well we really didn't have a choice on whether to fly or go by car. Gas prices were just ridiculous! I believe the going airfare for one was $500 and we had to times that by four. Sometimes I can be math challenged but I knew that figure just wasn't going to work in my budget. Anyway, our passengers consist of my two girls, me and my mother. This sounds like a nice family outing but beware of traveling long distances with your mother!

Armed with map, snacks and kids we were off on the road around 2 am Texas time. Our plan was to get to Little Rock before lunch time traffic. I was the driver (dear mother can't see in the dark) and mother was the "map person". Everything was just fine until my mother decided that Mapquest didn't know what they were talking about and she remembered going another way before (10 years ago). I don't know about you, but I do know that highways have been put up and taken down within 10 years…ugh! So in order to keep the peace we went her way and yes we got lost. You would think she learned her lesson, right? I don't think so…

Well after a long day of getting lost and eating snacks, we decided to stop for the day and start out tomorrow fresh. Our first stop was Days Inn. Now, I'm not a hotel snob but when I stay on the road I just want the basic necessities like a clean bed, working phone and TV. We should have known we were in trouble when we picked up the telephone receiver and didn't get a signal! Entering into the bathroom, I was greeted with flashing light bulb that gave you a headache just looking at it and the walls had big gashing holes. My oldest daughter pulls back the bed sheets and screamed, "This looks like a crime scene! Look at all these stains on the bottom of the box spring!" We can laugh about this now but we couldn't wait to get out of Days Inn. I think we were traumatized and from that day on whenever we see a billboard for Days Inn boos and hisses erupt throughout the car.

My next post will cover the second leg of our trip. Until then please enjoy some of the pictures I took. The first photo is a sunset on the road and no I'm not driving. But are we going to right way? (Dear mother is driving)

The first photo is titled: Are we going the right way?

Until we chat again, have a creative week!


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